If you aren't going to make it, then why do you care? Sorry, that must be the programmer in me asking a logic statement. NM. Anyways,
You didn't mention the mass or shape of the projectile. The weight of the object is a MAJOR consideration so assuming you are launching on Earth, the mass must be known because Earth gravity is a constant and the mass will give us weight (you could also just weigh the thing, if you are on earth now). The shape of the object must be known because Earth atmosphere has a specific composition and therefore a specific known and constant drag coefficient given your specified launch altitude and knowing the relative humidity at launch, of course. The complex physics involved in determining altitude given a certain variable force must take into account the shape of the object in order to compute drag upon same.
You also didn't mention what exactly your ';gunpowder'; (as if there were only 1 known compound listed under that common nym) is composed of. That must also be a known constant.
Can you be more specific, please? If you can, I will give you your figure.
Thank you!How much gun powder should be used to launch a firework 50 feet in the air?
you should proble put 14 cuse it proble wold be 50 feet onley if you do it right
wow, gotta tell you, you scarred me a bit when I first read the question, to be honest I dont think very much though, maybe 2 or 3 grams.
4 ounces.
You have to calculate the weight,shape, type of firework. There is no oh use 300 grains of fast powder. You have to have all the factors to correctly figure out how much to use and not blow up.
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