Tuesday, December 22, 2009

My Cat Loves Powdered Vitamin C...WTF?

I was drinking a glass of water with Vitamin C powder mixed with it yesterday, and I accidentally spilled some on the table, and my Siamese cat ';Skittles'; jumped up and just started lapping it up as fast as she could, like it was the tastiest treat ever. Then she started trying to drink it out of my glass too.

To me it tasted really grainy, bitter, fizzy, and kind of disgusting. But to her, it was like the best thing in the whole world. She adored it.

I just found that kind of weird, Lol.

Has anyone else ever had a cat that has ever tried to eat vitamin powder or anything else gross like that, and seemed to really enjoy it?My Cat Loves Powdered Vitamin C...WTF?
My cats love vitamin C powder also. I have a cat with bowel issues so I have to make sure he gets a supplement, and as I make most of my own cat food, I put it in all the cat's food.

A healthy cat generally doesn't need a C supplement, but for the most part it isn't going to hurt because C isn't stored in the body. The worst is it will make him pee a lot.

There is the possibility there is some nutrient deficiency that he is trying to make up for, but I suspect she just liked it, possibly even because she saw you eating it.

One of my cats frequently won't touch certain foods, but if I make it look like I am eating it, suddenly it is the best gourmet food on earth.

As for taste...I can't imagine that mouse meat is terribly tasty, but cats love it!My Cat Loves Powdered Vitamin C...WTF?
yes!!!!! my cat loves cool whip. and ice cream and french dressing , i just about fell over lol. weird
Your cat may be lacking vitamin C in her diet. If you feed her a grocery store brand food I'd consider giving her a multi vitamin supplement.
My old cat loves his medicine for arthritis, he purrs like mad every time I pick up the bottle, Don't give your cat too much vitamin C it might make him ill.
yep my cat like fruits and vitamin water :D

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